Monday, May 12, 2008

This one gallie said...

Warning! Warning! Rant in... 3... 2... 1...I'm sick to death of listening to people talk about how much they love animals and care about the environment, how much they want to save the world...PUT DOWN YOUR STEAK! If you loved animals and the environment so much, you wouldn't be eating animals and thusly killing it. There are so many facts and figures I could throw at you, but instead I'll repost something from this...

"#6, is a first time mother. She is frantic. Her baby is missing. She is pacing desperately up and down the paddock, bellowing and crying, and calling for her lost boy, fearing the worst, having her fears confirmed. She is one of the thousands of defenseless females born into a quaint, verdant, organic dairy farm. She will spend her entire short life grieving the loss of baby after baby. She will be milked relentlessly through repeated cycles of pregnancies and bereavements. Her only experience of motherhood will be that of a mother's worst loss. In the prime of her life, her body will give, her spirit will break, her milk 'production' will decline, and she will be sent to a horrifying slaughter, along with other grieving, defeated, 'spent' mothers like herself.

She is the face of organic milk.

"You cannot care about animals or the environment THAT MUCH as long as you go on consuming them and their bi-products.

So I said:

Dear _________, you had to know you'd get some people riled up with a post like this. I love ranting like this, though, so I can't say much about that.

I will say this, though: soy is still murder. It's just that soy doesn't scream when you kill it, so those who kill it don't feel so guilty.

We're a part of the earth, so eating other things on earth will happen.

Suppose eating soy is decidedly not as bad as killing cows. Fine. In that case, some lives are more valuable than others.

1. Is a human life, then, more valuable than that of a cow?
2. If so, then why is it less important that humans to live and be happy than it is for cows?

However, if a cow's life is significant to such a degree that humans ought not eat cows, then all life, likewise, shares that same pervasive significance; even though one must still eat living matter to survive.

1. In that case, it is the same sin to eat soy as it is to eat cows, and we might as well eat cows if we're going to ''mercilessly slaughter'' countless soy plants.
2. It would be better to kill just a few cows, so that less lives will be snuffed out.

either way, using cows for food is not as evil as you make it out to be.