Thursday, December 28, 2006

and i want to thank you for giving me (one of) the best day(s) of my life

8:35am incoming call: Natalie 0m 55s.:
N: ''Were you sleeping?''
me: '' :-)'' *totally got up and jogged in place for 5 seconds before answering the phone to try to cover all traces of recent
slumber in his voice*
N: ''you were! :-p okay, so, how 'bout i come over there at 9?''
me: ''okay that'll work :-)''
N: ''alright, i'll leave in a little bit''
me: ''okay, i'll be awake'' *still not fully awake, as evidenced by his 'wtf brand of humour' *

1st Stop: Original House of Pancakes. sOoOo delicious. Good day, sir!

then, we went here: (''here'' = the dana harbour marine institute ;-) )

and walked over to the jetty, which was closed, but we saw this:

and then we walked over a ways onto the really rocky part of the beach:

got back home at about 11:51. looked around online a bit, found someone who wanted to know about the eye exercises, so i told them about it.

then Mike, from AZ, now in Cali (in the marines at Camp Pendleton), imed me. he was granted liberty for the day, so he invited me to go see him :D had hella fun, chilled, ate some taco bell, played ghost recon on xbox 360, listened to hella stories about boot camp, walked around a bit, and pretty much just chilled. this dude is my brother from another mother.

Mike: ''hey mike, take a picture of me doin' the splits so i can send it to someone on myspace!''
me: ''okay, well, lemme use my camera.''
Mike: ''okay, well, come over here cuz i gotta do it over where there's room!''
me: ''okay, now hold it. *goes to different camera angle* *snaps a pic* aww you moved!''
Mike: ''well hurry up! :-p''
me: ''okay, just lemme get a few more angles....*awnriness has taken over at this point; snaps another pic* ''
oi, today was so much fun. i should have made every day here like this. i guess i just didn't see how precious everything was until i realised i wasn't gonna be around it much longer. it's chill, though. i plan to be out here again, not making the same mistake twice ;-)

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

the pic is actually a thumbnail ;-)

-U2, with a special editing from me :D it's gotten clearer and clearer these past few days that i am going to regret leaving cali. that's okay, it's not permanent. i plan on coming back here someday. i'm gonna miss it while i'm gone, though. *le sigh* you didn't know i could sigh in French, did ya? ;-)

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Read Genesis 5 REAL quick!

it's one of my favourite chapters in the bible about prophecy! =D

(i got this whole thing from Chuck Missler's radio show: 66/40. so when you hear how awesome it is, give credit to whom it's God)

Geneology of Adam: the deal with this list of names is that they're only transliterated into
english in the bible, not translated.

1. Adam, Adamah - synonym for ''man''
2. Seth - ''appointed,'' Genesis 4:25 - ''And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and
named him Seth 'for God has appointed another seed for me instead of Abel, whom Cain killed.'''
3. Enosh - comes from a root ''anash'' which means ''incurable.'' it's a term that's usually
used for a wound, or for grief, woe, sickness, or wickedness. and so the term ''anash'' suggests
the idea of mortal, or frail, or even miserable.
4. Qenan - ''sorrow'' or ''dirge''
5. Mahalalel - comes from two roots - A. ''Mahal,'' which means ''blessed,'' or ''praise,'' and
B. ''El,'' which is the name of God. Mahalalel means ''the blessed God,'' or ''the praised
6. Jared - it's from the verb ''Jarad,'' which means ''shall come down''
7. Enoch - ''commencement,'' or ''teaching,'' it's an academic term. the flood of Noah didn't come as a surprise, it was preached on for four generations, starting with Enoch, who also prophesied about the second coming of Jesus (Jude 14 & 15), so he is seen as a teacher.
8. Methuselah - comes from two roots: A. ''muth,'' which means ''death.'' and it occurs 125
times in the old testament B. ''shalak'' which means ''to bring,'' or ''send forth'' so
Methuselah means ''his death shall bring.'' Methuselah died in the same year the flood came. his name is a prophecy. also note that his was the longest lifespan in the bible. it's like a model
of God's mercy. his death marks the start of judgement, and it is also the longest lifetime in the bible.
Lamech - means ''despairing.''
10. Noah - his name comes from a root ''naham,'' which means ''to bring relief or comfort.''
Genesis 5:29 - ''And he called his name Noah, saying 'This one will comfort us concerning our work and the toil of our hands...'' so Noah means ''rest'' or ''comfort.''

Let's re-examine the geneology of Adam:
Adam, Seth, Enosh, Qenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah.

Let's read this geneology in english:
Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow. (but) the blessed God shall come down, teaching (that) His death shall bring the despairing comfort.

This is a summary of the christian gospel, tucked away in a geneology in the old testament.

some of the ramifications of this are:
1. this, of course, is no accident.
2. there's no way you'll ever convince me that a group of jewish rabbis contrived to hide a
summary of the christian gospel in a geneology within their venerated Torah.
3. This also means that God's plan of redemption was on His mind even before the flood of Noah.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Beautifully Foggy :-)

This was two days ago, was on my way to work, but i just had to take a pic. it can get pretty foggy here when it wants to :-p i walked outside and i could just smell the ocean. ...okay, so i can do that pretty much every day =D

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Q & A

Does anyone else wonder?
how christians can say evolution is absurd yet believe that adam was created from dirt and eve created from rib? in all honesty which makes more sense....

Additional Details
3 days ago
ok ok, many christians.

evolution basically states that i could break my wrist watch, put it in a bag, and shake it up for millions or billions of years, and not only have it come back together again, but have it working better than it ever did. we are so much more complicated than my wrist watch.

and don't get me started on the big bang :-p ''first there was nothing, and then it exploded.'' or where did that ''central mass'' come from? i say it takes the same leap of faith for either idea.

some ppl say ''well, you can't trust the bible, it was only written by men.'' that same logic, we can't trust anything that was written by humans. and since nothing written exists except that which is written by humans, our only hope of reading anything with a grain of truth would be something written by humans, but inspired by God.

modern quantum physics is actually supporting the bible now more than ever in terms of the age of the universe and the age of the earth, by means of the expansion of the universe, the slowing down of light and radioactive decay, and especially the red shift, which turns out to be quantised. it's not a result of stars moving away from us, it's a result of light slowing down in quantised amounts of speed, oi, but that's another entry ;-)

and findings in the bible itself such as microcodes that prophesy about events in modern times, and make very eerie ''authentication patterns'' like the heptatic structure are found throughout the bible. i'm not sure just any human on his own could cook up something like that.

lol, no! i'm not makin' this stuff up!

think i jumped the gun on that evolution stuff? well, i spec you need the proof more than i do -- just remember what i said about proof

Friday, December 01, 2006


Missiz Jóní: omg
Missiz Jón
í: i just coughed doritos everywhere
Jóní: and instead of cleaning it up i told u
obcMike: hahahahahahahahaha