Friday, October 31, 2008

Proposition 8: restores hetero-marriage--and religious oppression

The real dilemma with Prop 8 comes from this fact: We don't live in a Christian nation. It's true that many people SAY so, but really, we don't.

There were a lot of Christians in the beginning, but this nation was not even founded on Christian beliefs, no matter what anyone says. This whole idea of ''America,'' ''Land of the Free, Home of the Brave,'' ''USA'' and whatnot, was only ever conceived in the first place to ESCAPE RELIGIOUS OPPRESSION. Freedom from religious oppression.

Half the signers of the delcaration of independence were deists and/or masons/freemasons. same thing as those who signed the constitution. (,,

What will happen with Prop 8 is this nation, designed to be ''religiously impartial,'' will be offering special rights to a certain religious group, and not to another. There are rights that only married ( ) couples share.''Freedom from religious oppression....just as long as you're Christian'' is what Prop 8 really stands for. If it were really after sanctity of marriage, why would it only attack gays? Why not the divoce rate, as well? Why not those drive-thru wedding places in Vegas?

--Hold on...I'm about to rant, and it won't be pretty--

Just because God rained down fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, doesn't mean that you should try to emulate his actions. Let me ask you a question...that ''great commission thing'' where you're supposed to go into all the world and convert it to's that going for you? When you told the gays they were going to hell for their evil lifestyle, did that win anyone over? Then why the hell would you get a different response when you try to make a LAW against gay marriage? Does that ''great commission'' tell you to go and make laws, or does it tell you to make converts? You're really bad at this.

You know what you're showing the rest of the world with Prop 8? You're showing them a person who will fight TOOTH AND NAIL for something that doesn't affect ANYone else. Why not attack smoking? Make that illegal. That destroys the temple of the holy spirit, and second-hand smoke is deadly! Why not put a tougher punishment on drunk driving? See, those things actually kill people. Gay marriage? Not a chance. And what's more sacred, marriage, or life itself? Let's face it: Love your neighbour: FAIL