Friday, November 30, 2007

xmas rant

I'm not attacking people! I'm attacking the ignorant ideas that keep Christmas alive.

Halloween is celebrated by ppl dressing up as things they wouldn't ordinarly dress up as, doing things they wouldn't ordinarily do, and doing all kinds of celebrating, JUST because it's Halloween.

April Fools' Day has people pulling pranks and practical jokes on others, and it's acceptable then. It's April Fools' Day! People expect that kind of stuff then!

Christmas is celebrated in the same way, with the same reasoning, the same "temporary mindset." JUST because it's Christmas. Or am I wrong? Then why do we do it only ONE time per year, why do we buy gifts for EVERYONE we know, as though they all simultaneously crossed our minds? I'm not attacking people, I'm attacking Christmas.

When you were little, and someone gave you something good, food, a present, whatever, and you forgot to say ''thank you,'' but your folks nagged you ''Ah! Did you say 'thank you?''' Then you say ''thank you.'' Those are the worst expressions of gratitude. You had to be TOLD to do it.

I've had some beef with Christmas for quite a while now, and it's finally becoming clear to me exactly what the reasoning is.

Here's what I'm taking about:

Q.: Why do you get people gifts for Christmas?

A.: ''Because it's Christmas! you're supposed to!'' =-O you see?

It's as though getting them a gift wasn't MY idea, Christmas nagged me into it. The ''planned-out-day'' of the year, where we all ''do the Christmas thing'' gave me the idea. I had no chance to think to do something like that on my own. Not that I'm seeking recognition for it, but it is IMPOSSIBLE for such an idea to have come from ''the goodness of my own heart!'' Christmas beat me to the punch-it whispered in my ear ''give gifts to everyone you know, be kind, be joyous, spread peace!'' And now I am just copying what Christmas dictates. Good person or not, it's impossible for any of that to be my OWN idea!

My beef with Christmas is not that it's ''commercialized.'' It is so much more than ''a fake holiday.'' It removes all chances of a person being truly giving; yet we do it, we give to everyone we know, in spite of the fact that we're just doing what we're told! How does that show anyone anything?

I mean, it's all been done before. I'm not trying to top Christmas, but what good is it to give a gift like that, if your genuineness is not even your own?

''Not my own?! How DARE he make a claim like that?!'' Okay, my mistake, you actually celebrate Christmas every day of the year. You are exempt from anything this blog post has to say.

The very idea that I'm getting a gift for EVERYONE i know, testifies to the fact that I'm doing it NOT because these people all simultaneously crossed my mind, but b/c something else convinced me to get a gift for everyone. And supposing for a moment that it was my own idea, from the goodness of my heart, why is it ONLY one, planned-out time a year? It's almost like it's PLANNED out....

no other time of the year gets people to act the way they do on halloween. like ''omg! it's halloween! what are you gonna be??'' or ''geez, what are you, crazy? this ain't halloween!'' people don't normally act that way. it's halloween that gets them to do it. it's acceptable then.

and no other time of the year gets people to act the way they do at christmas. like ''omg! what do you want for christmas?!'' or ''wow! this is just like christmas for me!'' ppl don't normally act that way--they're surprised when it happens out-of-season. it's christmas that gets them to do it. it's accepted then.

Now, Halloween, that's something different. the celebration of that usually entails costumes, trick or treating, and halloween parties. fine. it's a good idea to plan out ONE day a year for this stuff to happen, that way EVERYONE knows when it's supposed to happen, so we don't have ppl like, ''doing the halloween thing'' in the summer or whenever. This sort of thing SHOULD be confined to a planned out date, well in advance, just as it has been.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

in god we fussed.

i just got this foreward about some new coin that's going to be circulated in the united states that is devoid of the sentence ''in god we trust.''

that got me thinking...for one thing, i think this email was totally bogus. sounds like someone just wanted to see how many christian conservatives they could get panicked about that.

but suppose it were legit? first of all who would be surprised by this? like could you NOT see this coming? ''in god we trust'' is a misrepresentation of a major portion of the population. many people simply don't want that kind of banner for themselves. and if it's enough for some people to gripe to get ''in god we trust'' ON the money, then it's enough for some people to gripe to get it removed.

this nation is scarcely a christian nation, anyway. it would be a more accurate representation to have that removed from the money, or to have something non-christian on the other side of the currency.

so now, we have one group of people forcing this slogan to be on our money, and we have others who don't like it.

so, what if we put ''atheism is our following'' on money? that would get the christians angry, but the athiests might not be opposed to it. so, an athiest message, or a christian message? an umbrella statement for the whole united states. who's right? the christian is, of course ;-) done and done. wow...why should we even vote, when just one guy can make the decision like, a million times faster?

but there's another angle to address. the christian has a ''commission'' that they are to fulfill, which is basically to proselytise those who are not already christian.

when a christian gets to heaven, is God really going to ask ''did you petition to keep 'in god we trust' on money? 'cause if not, you don't get in.'' God is more concerned with what we become, and how we treat others. Jesus even said, in regards to money ''whose inscription is this on the coin?'' they said ''ceasar's.'' then he said ''then render to ceasar what is ceasar's, and to God what is God's.''

really. why not just let it go? all that's accomplished by tightening their grip on this matter is:

1.) perpetuating the tensions between themselves and those who actually don't trust in God (which is counterproductive to their ''commission'')

2.) showing everyone else that they are the kind of people who will ''strain out a gnat, only to swallow a camel.''

3.) putting a logo on money that God doesn't even care about. (oh, i could see it now...God asks you ''so, how many followers of christianity did you convert?'' then you answer ''well, none, but i DID get ''in god we trust'' put back on the money. and that's what really matters. i had to offend quite a few of your children down there to get it back, but i'm sure you're pleased with the end result.)

and just seeing how many people put their names on that petition, it's like they're fighting, as though losing this ''battle'' would be the worst thing that could ever happen. hey, chill out. you're not ''winning any souls'' by keeping the slogan on the money, you're just showing a rather ugly side of yourselves by fighting this with so much intolerance.

and while we're on the subject of intolerance, this is the same thing with same sex relationships/marriages. the fact that you're intolerant of it is not going to convince anyone who is homosexual to become heterosexual. the more you push, the more you hurt people, offend people, and generally get people to dislike you.

and finally, some might say ''well, christian faith is what our country was FOUNDED on!'' no, it wasn't. freedom of religion was actually the reason this nation was started, and more accurately, ''freedom from religious oppression.'' keeping that idea in mind, putting ''in god we trust'' on the money seems to say ''freedom of religion, yes, as long as you're christian.''half the signers of the delcaration of independence were deists and/or masons/freemasons. same thing as those who signed the constitution. ( , ,

so now, we have people who are actually taking the idea of freedom of religion to the bank. the joke's on them and ''in god we trust'' is the punchline.

but you know who's right? you are, mr./ms. Supporter of ''in god we trust'' on currency, because

1.) whenever there's a difference in opinion, your opinion is the one that matters.

2.) you're a christian, and our deist/mason forefathers wouldn't have it any other way.

3.) if those other religions don't like it, well they can just move out. go somewhere else. b/c if there's ANYTHING this nation stands for, it's religious freedom. ;-)

okay, so, this is where we're at:
1.) love your neighbours who are heterosexuals. check.
2.) be ready to fight tooth and nail to keep ''in god we trust'' on our money. check.

Saturday, September 29, 2007


i've always wanted to invent something, you know? though, i wouldn't want to like, revolutionise the toilet. Thomas Crapper invented that. i wouldn't want ppl saying ''aw maaaan, hurry it up in there! i gotta take a HUGE helfer like, right now!''

and now, some random pics from work...

he gets up early in the morning to shed his protective husk of tires which he weaves anew each night.

Employee should be able to demonstrate proper tire mounting proceedure.

our goal: to be the BEST.

atta boy, rich!

rim job.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

old cellphone pics that i never emailed to myself...

look! power bracelets! this one just happens to be a white power bracelet. woops!

that's some funny half and half, Land 'o Lakes! ;-)

the picture really says it all.


i saw this and just KNEW it belonged in my blog. i know some of my readers have the sense of humour to appreciate something like this. no no, not me, but you guys. *halo* see how this works? :-)

1300 calories = a good start

Remember that Italian Frisco burger that hardee's had? well, if you can remember that, then maybe you can comprehend how GOOD these were. go ahead, click on the picture, i scaled it down by more than half, but it's still a good pic. doesn't that make you wanna reach out and grab those sandwiches? =-O oh no! i've already EATENNNNNNNN them! too bad for you. awwwww :-(

Saturday, July 14, 2007

hahaha my dodge nitro!

lolz...ntb thinks that was MY nitro!

oi...that nitro and i sure had some adventures... i put something around 3000 or so miles on him in one week. poor little auto :-( awww. if you're confused, just go back to around...april 22nd or'll see hella mountain pictures and then =-O there's some pics of the nitro! 15mph highway. yes. he was terrible.

on another note, someone came into work today to get new hubcaps and he threw away his old ones. i took one for the ricey, b/c it was the SAME KIND as all the others! :D i no longer have a missing hubcap! :D for FREE!


Tuesday, July 10, 2007


hella shells. hella plans for hella more shells. yes...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

they walked right into that one

conversation with an aim bot. c'mon, it's funny! :-)

Friday, June 08, 2007

ever see that movie Gone in 60 Seconds?

let's just say i'm competative ;-)

i'm slowly getting used to eating as much food as i ate before i got here. that made me feel pretty stuffed. satiated for now :-) *pats tummy*

oi...they say "if you give a man a fish, you'll feed him for a day, but teach a man to fish, and you'll feed him for a lifetime."

well, if you give mike a fish, you'll feed him for about 2 minutes, but teach him to fish, and you will have indirectly caused the destruction of any and all nearby marine habitats, which is why the North Carolina Fish and Game Board would like to remind you that it's everyone's job to make sure mike never learns how to fish.

today, i just killed time, bought some milk, called a place to see if their room was still for rent (it was 350 a month, all utilities, washer and dryer included, same distance to work, but they never called back like they said they would:-( ), called around the different gyms to get some info and ended up getting free passes through the next 4 days. =D each gym has its strengths, so it's tough to make a call right now, but i know what i'm looking for in their equipment.

well, that's it for now, dear reader :-) have a great weekend! =D

oh yeah, moo!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

FW: Fwd: paper....yeah. just brainstorm for now

Applicant: Michael ******
October 2007 Evening

Beginning when I was ten years old, I have considered a career in the field of medicine, whether I was to be a veterinarian, a doctor, a nurse, etc., all through middle school and even into high school. I always had a strong aptitude for the sciences and foreign languages. They not only fascinated me, but I excelled in them, often ranking in the top 97 percentile range in national tests for science, and my senior year, obtaining the highest grade in the college-level Spanish class I was taking. Toward the end of high school; however, I became unsure of what I wanted to study, or which direction I wanted to go in college. After high school, I took several general education courses at a community college, but at the end of the semester, decided they weren't for me, choosing instead to work and save up money. A few years later, I picked up a few automotive classes at a community college, and got a job installing tires.

Recently, though, I've begun thinking about what I'll be doing 5 years from now. Will I still be busting tires? What about when I want to start a family or buy a house? As a tire installer, it's not likely I'll be able to do any of these things without a great deal of financial strain. A new career became more and more necessary with passing time. Then, I remembered a friend I met back in 2002, who was an LPN. She had not only made 16 dollars an hour, but she had already bought and sold a house, and was in the market to buy her second house at the age of 21. The thought of making that much money seldom crossed my mind, working as a gas station attendant. A career in nursing would remove much of the worry of finances from my situation.

But even more important than the income aspect of a career in nursing, I know I could be a great nurse based on my personality. I've taken various personality typing tests, such as the Myers/Briggs, only to find that each time; my personality is labeled as ''protector guardian,'' or a similar description. Others, who know me well, have agreed, often with great enthusiasm, that it is in my nature to search out ways to help and care for others. Nursing would be a great career match for me, since it's often described as "caring for the sick, injured convalescent, and disabled," which perfectly matches what I naturally find great contentment and satisfaction doing. Not to mention, it would certainly be a more fitting implementation of my aptitudes and compassionate nature than my current occupation.

Lastly, Vincent Van Gogh once said, ''If you hear a voice inside your head, telling you 'you are not a painter,' then, by all means, paint, and that voice will be silenced. ''It is said that "hindsight is 20/20," and looking back, I wish I'd gone straight to nursing school after high school. After two years of working in a tire shop, it's clear that my current career does not fit the person I am. Though I may not be ''cut out'' to be a tire installer, I have become quite proficient at it. Because of this, I eagerly look foreword to the opportunity to apply my passion for helping others, natural strengths, and aptitudes to something I actually am "cut out for."

Okay, that's it ^ so....tell me what you think? :-) i've never had to write an essay to get into a school before, so does this one look alright? Please and thank you! =D


newly edited, with much thanks to Missiz Cyndi, who helped me with some editing. :-) "I'm sorry if I'm coming across as bossy or jerk-like." -Missiz Cyndi

oi...a good friend will not hesitate to "tear up" a paper, if it needs it. hella not bossy, in no way jerk-like. it's been a long time since i've had to write a paper for school, and i'm very grateful for your help, Missiz Cyndi :-)

wow, that's a relief."

boss: "yeah, we should have you in by the first of next week. i figure we'll have you in training for the first week, then have you on inventory to get you some extra hours, and...oh, wait, you've had experience, haven't you?"

mike: "yes, i have :-)"

boss: "oh, well, then we'll have you in the shop much sooner than that :-)"

mike: "and here's my schedule of classes that i'll need off from work."

boss: "so, you'll be available to work from 8:15 - 3:00 monday through thursday, anytime on fridays, and then we'll just plan for you to be off on know this'll work out perfectly."

mike: "wow, that's such a relief. :-) "

i also went to the library to work on the rough draft of the essay i have to write for ECPI. if i figure out how to get it in here with my phone, i'll put it up for you all to tell me how awesome i am...i mean critique it. i dunno why i just told you that, since once it's the top post, you're only gonna read the top post, paying no regard to anything posted before it. right? ;-) well, we'll see :-)

so, i've got an address at a peaceful and not-ghetto one-bedroom apartment in northwest, also non-ghetto raleigh. i can't move in till the 15th, but it'll be 5 or so miles from school, 10 or so miles from work, and my job is willing and happy to work with my school schedule. just gotta tie up some more loose ends for school...get a physical =-O get my immunisations records, hand in that paper, and beat the snot outta that second test, which i know i will. might need a tetanus shot before i can start school, tho, classes don't start till october, so i'm getting in (hopefully) plenty of time to get into the class.

that's it for now.


Sunday, June 03, 2007

you know if you think about it...

you'll prolly strike a pose like that^

Monday, May 28, 2007


(there's a special faucet that only fits my water bottle^)

see, it's like this: out in the sticks of illi-nwah ( the french folk mite call it ;-) ), i heard a thumping sound. turned out my RR tire blew and i had to take all my owns outta the trunk to get the spare tire with 15psi in it, the jack with no speed handle to attatch to the speed handle loop, and the foot-pump whose plunger anchoring nut had gone missing.

but, the 3in. bolt that held the spare tire helped lift the car marvelously, a loose nut from the license plate held the footpump together, and with a little time, the spare was on (with 30psi), the flat was in the trunk with the rest of my stuff, and i was only 30 miles from mt. vernon, il, where i found a walmart to put 2 new on the rear and best old tire to spare.

got back in my car and turned on k-love talking about Mark Shultz biking across america, said "sometimes it's something that doesn't seem so safe at first, but it's in God's will and we're over His safety net.

and the whole trip's been pretty much like that. i'm now eating at the taco bell on western ave. that i ate at just about a month ago today. bout to put a powerful hurtin' on some double decker tacos and then call that potential landlord to see if i can look at the place today :-) tomorrow, i wanna look at some area schools if things pan out al-*tummy grumbles*...i gotta go ;-)


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

what?! no picture?!

i got a cheap walmart compass last week and i was gonna take it back tonight b/c no matter where i mounted it on the windshield, it always read south by southwest. so i was in the line for returns, about to get my $2.78 back, and i looked at it. a big "E" was facing me. i turned around an it followed just like a compass should.

so in my car, i decided i like to roll the windows down too much to put it on the driver's window...i like the wind blowing through my long and flowing locks ;-) so the only other thing that preseted itself was the rearview mirror. it works perfectly from there now, and it reminded me that "hindsight is 20/20." neat, huh? i have to spell it out? :-p only when our vision is from the standpoint of "looking back," can we see what really happened. sorta like experience is something you get after the point that you needed it has passed.

hey! i'm soundin' smart! =)


Thursday, May 10, 2007

slicker'n snot on a doorknob ;-)

soon's i finish these cereals, that's getting cut out and put in the rear window. gotta get it inspected tomorrow, get it titled at the dmv, what a day. look at some mexican afghans, maybe, for the back seat omgz! tires! 4-wheel drive and three different tires! *pulls imaginary hair out* and you thought that was funny just reading it ;-)

it's not the civic. hella camry, white with tan interior, 149k miles, 1750. no sales tax ;D step one in the monster is nearing completion. i need a shower. goodnight, dear reader :-)
oh yeah, moo!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

this's the car i looked@ this afternoon!

'93 Honda Civic hatchback, hella fold down seats, 149K miles on it, drives nice, 2500 or 200 less if i put the tires on myself. it doesn't use oil or tranny fluid, and gets somewhere in the 30's in know, b/c it has overdrive =D looks real nice, i *heart* it! only thing is, they're waiting on the title, which should be in within 5 - 10 days. i need to put plans in motion to sell the van now, looks like carmax is going to get the van, afterall. well, it's money at least. i'm just glad things are starting to come together =)
oh yeah, moo!

kitty isn't playing with a full deck

i think they come with little safety helmets u can put on ur kitty. awwww...
oh yeah, moo!

b/c silicon just isn't safe ;-)

hahahaha i marched right back up to that sign (@the glenwood ave. walmart in ral-tucky) and took the pic, after a moment's contemplation. aw come on! it's funny! :-)
oh yeah, moo!

awww! e's growin' up so fast! :-) *tear*

when i came back from vacation, my little plantie changed colours beautifully! thanks to my folks watering 'im while i was gone, of course. he is undeniably a hybrid. from something that resembled a jerusalem cherry, but just called a general "ornamental pepper" plant and a medusa pepper plant. the former pollenated by the latter, resulting in a seed from the ornamental pepper plant which yielded a plant much like the ornamental pepper plant, but with the medusa peppers =D
oh yeah, moo!

Monday, April 23, 2007

this is the first pic i took

sometime around i know why Miss Michelle told me to get there around sunrise. i got out to take this pic and all i heard was birds - not a lot, just a few - and then a rooster crew as i snapped the pic. it was so quiet...there was NO other sound out there and i LOVED it :-)
oh yeah, moo!

after the sun was up for a while

no more fog...kinda looked like ortega highway, only much more "mountain-y" <3
oh yeah, moo!

i'm not going to tell you what this is.
oh yeah, moo!

now how did THAT get up there?

two pairs of shorts, two t-shirts, and my costco jacket. i was hella cold till i started hiking around.

plus, the sun came up and it was like...70 or so, not 43. :-p

oh yeah, moo!

from the other side of the bridge

too bad the park didn't open up earlier...
oh yeah, moo!

what a view

from the "mile-high swinging bridge" bout midway on it, i'd say. yes, it does swing a little, and yes, it hella squeaks when you walk on it. no, i wasn't scared ;-)
oh yeah, moo!

and from that sign...

i looked back down at the nitro.
oh yeah, moo!

first trail i saw

as soon as Grandfather Mountain opened up at 8, i was still napping on the side of the road =D ...but at 8:31, i hella woke up and went in.
oh yeah, moo!

this is one of my favourites. i don't think i could ever get tired of waking up to this.
oh yeah, moo!

ten more minutes down the road

it was so tranquil and beautiful - all i could do was stare and take pics.
oh yeah, moo!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

ever heard of...bull sharks Mike?

That's what i thought of when i looked out at the ATLANTIC OCEAN earleir today. i have now been to both oceans that touch the contiguous united states. you're jealous ;-) yeah, it was alright, but not as good as southern OC. not too too many "actual beaches" as i know them to be. no crashing waves, except in that one in the pic. the rest of the places i saw were about as tranquil as a lake. not picture worthy; nothing to write home about :-p (yes, i'm a spoiled little brat :-D )
oh yeah, moo!

Aww! 'e's hungry!

"Sir! put the cereals down! those are one per person!" ~eep!~ *drops display of cereals* *dashes back to his room*
oh yeah, moo!

Aww! 'e's hungry!

44 somethin' to fill 'im up. oh don't gasp at that. that's almost half what i payed to fill up the dodge beast in missouri. i hella know what the "B" in "B1500" means ;-)
oh yeah, moo!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

and wait till you see what's for dessert...

yes, three dessert spoons -- they were delicious.

got to the hotel alright...haha you know, i got lost several times and to varying degrees today. very frustrating to be lost for....a cumulative 6 hours. but you know what? all that stuff ca just bring its ugly self on over to me, 'cos i got friends who i can hella count on.

Missiz Jóní stayed on the phone with me for over an hour! helping me with google and mapquest while i drove around, putting up with my whining, cheering me up, oi...she's my best friend.

tomorrow will be much better.
oh yeah, moo!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Costco Mother Goose

i was pushing carts at work today, and i saw this goose! =D i saw her just sitting there and then i realised she was keeping her eggs warm--she's a mommy! awww! :-) this is the first bird picture i took since i left cali. pelicans, sea gulls, and some kinda pigeons there... but this one's a mommy :-) it's dang cold, here, too. like...18 by now. i sure hope her chillun folk do alrite...i mean, yeah, she IS from canada...but i know she hella migrates to florida b/c canada gets too cold and real estate in cali's too expensive ;-)...the only birds that seem to have the money for that are the swallows and the local birdees...

oh yeah, moo!

Friday, April 06, 2007

if you EVAR see these taters...

Buy them! omgzxxorz, buy them! these are the taters i first tried in cali. since i moved here, up until now, i haven't been able to find them, and b/c of that, i've had the opportunity to try some other brands. not only does it take more steps to make the others, but there's always "something wrong" with, you can tell it's instant. (unless you got mad cooking skills. i just don't like to put more time into a meal than it'll take to finish it.)

check this out: "boil 2 & 3/4 cups of water, pour into a bowl. empty contents of package, and stir." (the box does say to add 3 tbsp of butter or margarine to the water, and that 3/4 cup of water should actually be milk, but even as i have just described it, they turn out better than any other instant taters) at first it looks like it's all runny, but count to ten. =-O it's mashed taters! rite in the bowl! HOW do they do that??! these are magical instant taters, not like ANY you have ever known. costco has them, but i haven't seen them in

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Survey time! =D

Answer these with truth:

What color is your bra?
i'm not wearing one ;-)

Hair, up or down?
nonexistant ;-)

Do you straighten your hair?
no. it's natural ;-)

Do you worry about the size of your boobs?
oh, sometimes...

Whats your favorite girly magazine?
i don't like girly magazines much....stuff magazine is pretty funny, though

What's your Favorite mascara?
i won't wear mascara

Small or large purse?
i don't PWN a purse

In your purse, what are your must haves?
well, i must have my wallet, both sets of keys, mp3 playa, bluetooth, and phone on me at all times when i'm not at work.

Jeans or skirts?
JEANS only.

Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that're uncomfortable?

Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy?
no. no guy is worth it to me.

What're your favorite colors?
blue, white, black

Do you consider yourself girly?

Heels or Flats?
lol no heels :-p

Did you ever cry during a romantic movie?
garden state.

Would you leave the house without makeup on?
i do all the time

Walmart or Target?
well, walmart seems to be the only place that has cereals that i need. :-/

Do you consider making out "unladylike?"

On the scale of 1-10 how fun is shopping?
10 being the best? 10 with the right people.

Are you spoiled?

Do u get pissed if u miss a show u want to watch?
if i really wanna watch it, yeah, a little.

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning before school or work?
oh....about 35 - 45 minutes

Do you like skater boys?

Do you often wish there was something you could change?
i sometimes wish there weren't so many things i could change :-p

Gold or silver?
the value of gold keeps going up =D

Do you dress up for the holidays?
eh...i'm not really a ''dress up'' kinda guy. if someone asks me to, i mite....

Do you like to wear dresses?

Do you write a lot of mushy love poems?
used to

On a scale of 1-10 how much do guys confuse you?

In the past 24 hours have you hung out with a guy?
ummm....if you count breaktime at work where we sit and chat for a few minutes, then yeah. but other than that, no.

Friday, March 30, 2007

obcMike: stop being a boy, eh?
obcMike: well, okay, if you insist...
obcMike: *grabs knife*
obcMike: *waits for her to stop him*
mysnispuregenius: :-(
mysnispuregenius: lol
obcMike: i just can't cut off my better half...
mysnispuregenius: half?!
mysnispuregenius: more like 1/5695307645096745
mysnispuregenius: :-D
obcmike: :-(
obcMike: i remember when you were like ''=-O Mr. Mike is horny! *does the Mr. Mike is horny dance*
obcMike: random memory^
mysnispuregenius: rofl
mysnispuregenius: when was that?
mysnispuregenius: thats amazingly classic
mysnispuregenius: and i love it
obcMike: loooong time ago
mysnispuregenius: but when was it?
mysnispuregenius: lmao
obcMike: you weren't legal yet, i remember that
mysnispuregenius: roflmao
obcMike: i kept thinking to myself '' quiet! i will go to jail rite now for what ur saying!''
mysnispuregenius: ROFL
obcMike: i have to go to bed
mysnispuregenius: ...
obcMike: work tomorrow, not enough sleep last night
mysnispuregenius: mike thats inappropriate
mysnispuregenius: *does the mr mike is horny dance*
obcMike: after all the talk about my wang, its size (or lack thereof) and about you dancing b.c i was (supposedly) horny
mysnispuregenius: see its true
mysnispuregenius: i do crack us up
obcMike: WHILE you were not legal age yet...
mysnispuregenius: you were im sure
mysnispuregenius: lol
mysnispuregenius: LOL LOL LOL
obcMike: and i say ''i need to go to bed'' and all of a sudden THAT'S inappropriate!
obcMike: but up till that point, everything else was fine!:-P
mysnispuregenius: uhm...duh
obcMike: i was not, nor have i ever been ''horny.''
mysnispuregenius: lmao LIES
mysnispuregenius: youre a boy
obcMike: lol
obcMike: well, i wasn't then
mysnispuregenius: go to "bed"
mysnispuregenius: lol
obcMike: i was tellin' a story and you twisted the facts around
mysnispuregenius: lol lies again
obcMike: i sleep on the floor
mysnispuregenius: i wouldnt ever do such a thing
mysnispuregenius: thats kinky mike
mysnispuregenius: i dont wanna know that
obcMike: it's a hard wood floor
obcMike: wait.
mysnispuregenius: MR MIKE
obcMike: nvm
obcMike: well it is
obcMike: no carpet
mysnispuregenius: mike...
obcMike: it's made of .....dead trees
obcMike: see it was prolly something like this
mysnispuregenius: just cuz im legal
mysnispuregenius: doesnt mean i wanna have sex with you
mysnispuregenius: okay?
obcMike: i'm not effing horny!
mysnispuregenius: uh huh
obcMike: just b/c i talked about the floor
mysnispuregenius: *waits till he turns around and does the mr mike is horny dance*
mysnispuregenius: *whistles innocently*
obcMike: i know u don't, and i don't want to reciprocate any related feelings myself!:-P
obcMike: wtf...
obcMike: what were u doing?
mysnispuregenius: mr mike
mysnispuregenius: when youre 50 and im 35
obcMike: see, it was prolly something just like THIS^
obcMike: wtf
mysnispuregenius: if were both still single
obcMike: wait a minute!
obcMike: 50 and 35?
mysnispuregenius: lets just get married cuz well entertain each other
mysnispuregenius: at 35 women start lying about their age
mysnispuregenius: lol
mysnispuregenius: dude
mysnispuregenius: youve gotta add this all to your blog you know?
mysnispuregenius: im on a roll tonight
obcMike: *sigh*
obcMike: yes.

=-O it's my little plantie! =D

awww! look at 'im! *waves at the picture of the plant* go click on the "pics" lable and look at like...the second or third picture i ever posted on this blog...that is the same plant you see here :-) i pollenated 'im :-)

only thing is, this is an ornamental pepper plant (that's what the tag called it, anyway), and the peppers are supposed to be shorter, fatter, and rounder-like little orange cones. fatter than candy corn, and more uniformly round, but about the same length. instead, these peppers look like the medusa peppers--they're longer, skinnier, and wrinkled looking.... see, that's what that younger plant is that's sharing the same pot, it's a medusa pepper plant. but it's younger by least 4 months, prolly more. well, we'll see how the peppers turn out. it'd be neat if i had a hybrid :-) although, i'd be just as proud of 'im if he were a regular ornamental pepper plant :-)
oh yeah, moo!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

this shout-out's goin' out to

my loyal readers :-) won't you please leave a comment with your name and location? come on, it'll be almost like you're having fun ;-) no wait! please? *bats eyelashes* pllleeeeease? :-) thank you :D


1) March 23, 2007 10:14 pm: Kansas City, Missouri

2) March 23, 2007 9:31 pm: Livingston, New Jersey

3) March 23, 2007 8:42 am: Harbor City, California

4) March 21, 2007 10:09 pm: Livingston, New Jersey

5) March 21, 2007 6:56 pm: Valencia, Valencia

6) March 21, 2007 6:56 pm: Austin, Texas

7) March 21, 2007 6:54 pm: Livingston, New Jersey

8) March 20, 2007 7:48 pm: Livingston, New Jersey

9) March 19, 2007 7:46 pm: Livingston, New Jersey

10) March 13, 2007 10:27 pm: Herndon, Virginia

11) March 12, 2007 2:27 pm: Riverside, California

12) March 12, 2007 9:17 am: Corona, California

13) March 12, 2007 9:08 am: Carlsbad, California

14) March 11, 2007 9:07 pm: Reston, Virginia

15) March 6, 2007 6:42 pm: Phoenix, Arizona

16) March 5, 2007 7:11 pm: Livingston, New Jersey

17) March 5, 2007 9:42 am: Kansas City, Missouri

18) March 2, 2007 12:34 pm: Livingston, New Jersey

19) March 2, 2007 12:34 pm: Shandong, Shandong

20) March 2, 2007 12:33 pm: Bourbonnais, Illinois

sorry, all i get is the last 20....but Livingston, NJ? i <3 you :-) that goes for you, too Reston, VA ;-) Riverside, Corona, CA -- you know i <3 you! and everyone else, thank you for making my blog so popular! ;-D

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


i saw this rainbow *gonna take a shot in the dark* on saturday after work, just outside of carmax to pick up my refund check for the transfer fee...long story, but i had to take a picture of it...i knew you all would like it :-) as i took the picture, the first thing i thought of was "this hella reminds me of Natalie's GSA club... :-)" then there comes he issue of naming teh van...xxorz. "my zephyr" is soundin' pretty fitting for it--named from the red hot chili peppers song...*sigh* i can tell you have NO clue what song i'm talking about, just google it. so in an attempt not to flame out early, i'll end the post! =D
oh yeah, moo!

Monday, February 19, 2007 think YOU'RE pissed off... ;-)

inside the van! =D

gotta get rid of those seats, find some curtains (and curtain rods for that matter) and then i think it'll be well on its way to greatness =D

this is the van...xxorz

it's a 1998 dodge ram van, B1500. not too too huge, just rite for me. :-D

Sunday, February 18, 2007

this one's goin' out to cali *sigh*

Why do birds suddenly appear
Every time you are near?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you.
Why do stars fall down from the sky
Every time you walk by?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you.

On the day that you were born
The angels got together
And decided to create a dream come true
So they sprinkled moon dust in your hair of gold
And starlight in your eyes of blue.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

You've seen the commercials...

okay, i've had a problem with these commercials from day one. they show a bear takin' a $hit in the forest on t.v.! granted, i'm glad he does it there as opposed to in my yard, but come on, we don't need to see that! we know he $hits in the forest! and when he wipes afterward, he gets those ''squiggley lines of delight'' around his head. they're always sure to get a good angle on him when that happens.
not only that, but you can tell that that $hit was the high point of his day -- like he just can't wait to get out there and eat some more food so that he can $hit again; because food = $hit = charmin on the a$$...and from the looks of things, he's been operating off of this theory for a while... he's pictured here DANCING with his a$$wipe...he's disgusting, and unashamedly so.

I made this myself

hahaha, no not the ''butter,'' the picture. gosh you're sick!

doesn't the overall shape look like...*clears throat* the moon? :-)

This....*snicker* is called a moon c- HAHAHAhahahAHAHAHAahahahAHAHAahahahahaha!!!

*several minutes later* oi...*wipes tear from his eye* okay, this is called a ''moon cactus'' b/c if there's anything this plant looks like, it's the moon....i mean, it sure doesn't more closely resemble something else...

Dragonball Z in French has its ...''perks''

This picture comes to my humble little blog from an old SNES dragonball z game. it was only sold in a few countries, and this one came from france, hence all the subs are in french. now, i know just enough french to make this funny. she's telling trunks: ''Give me the balls!''

thank you, thank you. you know, non-members can leave comments on this thing.
well i don't see anyone else around you, i must be talking to you!
yeah, that's right, go ahead, click the comment button! say su'm! say su'm! =D

they sell THIS at walmart???

oldie but a goodie. bet you thought i'd never put this one in a blog again, huh? ...okay, yeah, me neither...

Sunday, February 11, 2007

okay, so that was just an MMS, this is a real post...

i didn't think it'd let me push the publish button at the bottom, so this seems to be working just fine


Monday, February 05, 2007

On those surveys where it

On those surveys where it asks my gender, i try to circle "select," instead of "male" or "female"


i was listening to this song today at work, and i had an epiphany:

When dreaming I'm guided through another world
Time and time again
At sunrise I fight to stay asleep
'Cause I don't want to leave the comfort of this place (lately i've been dreaming that i'm still in cali and have decided not to move out to missouri afterall)
'Cause there's a hunger, a longing to escape (ohhh boy is there ever... ;-) )
From the life I live when I'm awake
So let's go there Let's make our escape
Come on, let's go there Let's ask can we stay?

Can you take me higher,
to a place where blind men see? (first instance of controlled clear vision spurts that lasted on average 15 minutes)
Can you take me higher,
to a place with golden streets? (i lived two turns off of Street of the Golden Lantern)

(taken from Creed - ''Higher'')

okay, so maybe it's not that big of a deal, but i thought it was special :-) and now, it's off to bed. i'm hella tired. i need to get off the compy earlier than i've been.
goodnight, dear reader :-)

Sunday, February 04, 2007

mike - 3, boss - 2

Good evening, i'm Timmy Ticker. And i'm Lance Yardstick. yes that's right, the final score on Saturday, February 3rd, when mike decided he was going to give his boss a taste *dramatic pause with a side of gravitas* of his own medicine...

in the first play of the day, mike had just put on the last wheel on a vehicle and began to exit the shop to pull in another car. Brian, who had the home-team advantage was quick to call him out as he yelled

B: ''MIKE! did you just put on the last wheel on this vehicle?''
M: ''yes. why?''
B: ''when you put on the last wheel on anything, lower it down so that i can see that it needs a torque instead of just leaving it up in the air so i don't wonder what's going on with it.''
M: ''okay.''
M: *thinks to himself* ~well, you sure figured out pretty quick when i had the last wheel on, sherlock...~

well, that was quite a play on Brian's part. he ripped right into mike with that disrespectful barking tone of his, over something just barely important enough to mention. however, the referees have determined that it was a valid play, since it would facilitate the runnings of the shop. mike chose to remain silent on this one, and that proves to be fairly wise, since Brian did have a valid point. M - 0, B - 1

the second play of the day has brian and mike working on a set of four tires involving chrome valve caps, which Brian had placed on top of the tire mounter...

M: ''Brian! did you put these valve caps on top of the tire mounter?''
B: *turns around from balancing a tire* yes.
M: ''well, i like them to be down here *points to valve stem compartment on the tire mounter* so they don't fall off onto the floor!''
B: ''okay.''

a nice play by mike, and quite valid, since he did have to recover two of the four caps from the floor. you know, Lance, i like to call a move like this ''the echo,'' b/c it's an similar force going right back to the originator, slightly weaker but the timing here is important, less than 10 minutes after the first play, so this was all bound to be fresh in Brian's mind. M - 1, B - 1

the third play of the day featured Brian standing on top of the tire partition wall, looking over the whole shop, stacking tires.

B: *grabs the spray bottle filled with soapy water and sprays a few people*
M: *without missing a beat, pulls out the tire lube brush and slings a snot-rope of tire lube right back at Brian.*
B: *smiling/laughing conveying the idea of ''all in good fun''*
M: *mirrors Brian*

now, they have both gained a point in this play, but i like to think that mike earned a somewhat heftier point, since tire lube is a higher calliber projectile than soapy water. i'd have to agree with you on that one, Timmy. That lube is thick, like a mass of mucous, so it really sticks to its target. M - 2, B - 2

the fourth play featured Brian telling Mike to go outside and push carts with him for ten minutes while it was slow. Mike was feeling rather energised from all this competition, so he put on gloves, a traffic vest, and grabbed a rope to push carts. Brian grabbed his coat in addition to those items and headed outside. upon re-entering the tire center:

B: ''you need to wear a coat when you go outside.''
M: ''why?''
B: ''because i've seen it happen, your skin will freeze if you're out there in that cold of weather. If i see you outside again today without a coat on, i'm gonna start wondering if the tire center is really where you're supposed to be.''
M: ''but i used to be out in this stuff all the time, shorts and a tshirt and it never used to bother me before. and here i am now, pushing carts, which is harder work. i wasn't cold''
P: *Paulette, the warehouse manager walks in just in time for Brian to tell her about what Mike just did*
M: *repeats to her what he'd just said to Brian*

well, Brian was scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one. there is actually no policy in place that mandates the presence of a coat on an employee. Mike actually passed up a good opportunity for a few shots at Brian, he could have said ''well, i'm a lot younger than you are, i can handle things like this that you can't anymore'' ohh boy would that have stung! you ain't just whistlin' dixie, Lance! But he also could have told Paulette about the remark Brian just made, since it had no founding in any policy and was somewhat threatening. M - 2, B -2

the fifth and final play of the day has Andrew, a fellow tire installer, balancing a tire, when Brian yells at him for something mildly important. in response, Jesse, another installer speaks up for Andrew and says

J: ''where's your middle finger, Andrew?''
A: *shrugs and chuckles*
M: *censored -- ask mike for details on what he said ;-)*

very well played. Mike sure got a lot of support with this one. you know, Tim, if i were him, i'd be feeling pretty good after a play like that. oh you're tellin' me, Lance! That puts the final score at Mike - 3, Brian - 2, and now let's go to an exclusive interview with Mike to hear his thoughts on yesterday's game...

So Mike, how do you feel about the win?

M: ''well, pretty good. it always gets my blood pumping when i'm about to defeat a bully's operations b/c i know his mind is weaker than mine. i mean, he's essentially already defeated himself, he's just hiding it. all i serve to do is expose that.''

well, we have time for just one more question, what if you didn't win?

M: ''you know, i've thought about that, and it wouldn't bother me too much if the points aren't on my side. all that really matters to me is that at the end of the day, i'm not the jacka$$ that everybody hates, and that, to me, makes me the real winner.''

very nice. thank you, Mike for joining us for the interview

M: ''my pleasure :-) ''

so until next time, this has been Timmy Ticker and Lance Yardstick. Goodnight.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

gotta love Havens Steel ;-)

This is part of an old calendar i saw advertising for Havens Steel Buildings...see if you can spot the funny...oh don't give me that look! You know you laughed the instant you saw it, too!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

at mum's compy

courtesy of google maps, Ruby's on the Pier. my Sea Buddy knows what's goin' on.

thank you to all who have posted comments lately. Missiz C, Natalie (b/c u don't want me to call u Miss or Missiz), Missiz Jóní, and if there are any others if forgot, well, sucks to be you. j/k i Y you too. but especially, thank you, Missiz Jóní, for calling and cheering me up (almost) every day :-)

time seems like it's dragging on, and yet a lot of it's passed already. as of right now, i wanna wait 6 months from the day i got here to ask about a transfer. i may be persuaded to wait longer, so if you, dear reader, have some advice for me, please, share it with me.

and this one's goin' out to cali:

To see you when I wake up
Is a gift I didn't think could be real.
To know that you feel the same as I do
Is a three-fold, Utopian dream.
You do something to me that I can't explain.
So would I be out of line if I said "I miss you"?
I see your picture.
I smell your skin on
The empty pillow next to mine.
You have only been gone ten days,
But already I'm wasting away.
I know I'll see you again
Whether far or soon.
But I need you to know that I care,
And I miss you.
(''Miss You,'' Incubus)

Friday, January 12, 2007

IH8MO. 2MuchSno. JustWannaGo Back2WarmSo CaliWithN

SuchThingAs SNO!
i'd rather live outta my car in CA than the best MO can offer

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Softspoken with a broken jaw

Softspoken with a broken jaw step outside but not to brawl&autumns sweet we call it fall i'll make it to the moon if i hafta crawl

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Throw me to the wolves

Throw me to the wolves b/c there's order in the pack. throw me to the sky b/c i know i'm coming back...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

i went to Dana Harbour again today, but this time, i went on the jetty. these are two pics from the jetty and was absolutely breathtaking to be standing there, but i had a mission...

i wanted to go all the way out to the end of the jetty. i had to. curiosity and adventure begged me to see it. it was treacherously fun, all the jagged boulders i had to hop around on and climb to and from made it even more exciting! =D

it was about 35 feet after the ''tides may cause high waters'' warning sign that i saw this carved into the rock. you may have to click the pic to see the larger size in order to read it. i thought it was neat :-)

facing the end of the jetty and looking right^

and then looking to the left ^

and all along the jetty, as soon as i got within...15 or 20 feet, just about every kinda bird would fly away. but this one pelican stayed put. i got about 4 feet from him and he didn't move. i snapped a picture, pointed at 'im and said ''thank you! :-) '' maybe i should've asked him ''why the long face?'' *dodges tomato* :-p

i made it alllll the way to the end of the jetty, then turned back around and snapped a pic of the beach near the starting point of the jetty.

at sunset, i took a pic of the boats in the harbour. i can tell this is gonna be a pic i'll look at and really miss being here.

then i headed back out to that cave i went to yesterday. found some shells that i *may or may not have* picked up and placed into my pockets ;-) then i took some more pics of the same area as yesterday's post. all of these pics are the same size file, so click 'em if you wanna see the true size, i just scaled 'em down to fit 'em in here. oi, walking out there is a real treat. the waves crashing against the rocks, the strong ocean breeze that carries the oh-so clean and refreshing smell of the ocean. i'll never get tired of that smell. it's sooo salty you can almost taste it...*sigh*
YYY i really am gonna miss cali.

this one, i debated whether or not to put it in here, since my camera doesn't do too hot at night. but eh, why not, right? this is the harbour with all the boats in it (like the picture above) at night, and the full moon is reflecting off the water there.

oi, if you wanna see all the posts that have pics, then at the bottom of this post, there will be a hyperlinked ''pic'' click that and it'll bring up allllll the posts marked ''pic''