Wednesday, May 06, 2009

KFC, don't give in! We need you to stick it to the little man!

Totally not swayed by this, especially because it's from PETA. That's just how it's done. Of course, making sport of the birds and pre-slaughter breaking wings and legs is unnecessary. That doesn't make it wrong to consume chickens.

Chickens are not ''the same as people.'' They don't need the same treatment that we would, and that's one of the big problems with messages like this. These people try to personify the chickens, and make a chicken's death EQUAL with a human's. Wait, who drew that ''line?'' Well, what if someone ELSE wants to draw a different line, and say that it's only evil to eat people, but cows, pigs, and chickens are okay? Doesn't the ''other guy'' count, too?

Chickens have to be kept in a place where they can't pile up onto each other, since they frighten easily, and will kill each other by climbing on top of other chickens. The cramped quarters are for their own good. Their beaks are clipped because chickens are also prone to aggression and cannibalism. This is so they don't all kill each other, as well.

The bone breaking and ''making sport'' of them is not necessary, but think about it...WHO ELSE takes a job killing chickens, but those who can find at least a little enjoyment in it? I'm not saying that part of the slaughter is RIGHT, but it seems this video is using the ''shock factor,'' since they're betting that most people have no clue as to how chickens are raised and slaughtered.

This video is old, too. In a 2003 article, the issue is addressed:

''Bachelder "jumped on the corporate jet and flew to PETA's hometown of Norfolk," PETA's website crowed, acquiescing to five of PETA's eight demands. According to the organization's victory report, among other matters, Bachelder pledged to install cameras in all of KFC's 29 slaughterhouses by the end of next year, with a plan to audit the tapes monthly. KFC also agreed 1) to ensure that its suppliers would add stimulation devices to the perches in the chicken sheds; 2) to move quickly to kill chickens in electric stun baths rather than merely immobilizing them; 3) to implement humane mechanized chicken-gathering systems; and 4) to provide increased space for chicken housing. KFC promised to report back to PETA on a regular basis to verify its compliance.''

The whole thing can be found here: