Thursday, December 21, 2006

Read Genesis 5 REAL quick!

it's one of my favourite chapters in the bible about prophecy! =D

(i got this whole thing from Chuck Missler's radio show: 66/40. so when you hear how awesome it is, give credit to whom it's God)

Geneology of Adam: the deal with this list of names is that they're only transliterated into
english in the bible, not translated.

1. Adam, Adamah - synonym for ''man''
2. Seth - ''appointed,'' Genesis 4:25 - ''And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and
named him Seth 'for God has appointed another seed for me instead of Abel, whom Cain killed.'''
3. Enosh - comes from a root ''anash'' which means ''incurable.'' it's a term that's usually
used for a wound, or for grief, woe, sickness, or wickedness. and so the term ''anash'' suggests
the idea of mortal, or frail, or even miserable.
4. Qenan - ''sorrow'' or ''dirge''
5. Mahalalel - comes from two roots - A. ''Mahal,'' which means ''blessed,'' or ''praise,'' and
B. ''El,'' which is the name of God. Mahalalel means ''the blessed God,'' or ''the praised
6. Jared - it's from the verb ''Jarad,'' which means ''shall come down''
7. Enoch - ''commencement,'' or ''teaching,'' it's an academic term. the flood of Noah didn't come as a surprise, it was preached on for four generations, starting with Enoch, who also prophesied about the second coming of Jesus (Jude 14 & 15), so he is seen as a teacher.
8. Methuselah - comes from two roots: A. ''muth,'' which means ''death.'' and it occurs 125
times in the old testament B. ''shalak'' which means ''to bring,'' or ''send forth'' so
Methuselah means ''his death shall bring.'' Methuselah died in the same year the flood came. his name is a prophecy. also note that his was the longest lifespan in the bible. it's like a model
of God's mercy. his death marks the start of judgement, and it is also the longest lifetime in the bible.
Lamech - means ''despairing.''
10. Noah - his name comes from a root ''naham,'' which means ''to bring relief or comfort.''
Genesis 5:29 - ''And he called his name Noah, saying 'This one will comfort us concerning our work and the toil of our hands...'' so Noah means ''rest'' or ''comfort.''

Let's re-examine the geneology of Adam:
Adam, Seth, Enosh, Qenan, Mahalalel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, Noah.

Let's read this geneology in english:
Man (is) appointed mortal sorrow. (but) the blessed God shall come down, teaching (that) His death shall bring the despairing comfort.

This is a summary of the christian gospel, tucked away in a geneology in the old testament.

some of the ramifications of this are:
1. this, of course, is no accident.
2. there's no way you'll ever convince me that a group of jewish rabbis contrived to hide a
summary of the christian gospel in a geneology within their venerated Torah.
3. This also means that God's plan of redemption was on His mind even before the flood of Noah.