courtesy of google maps, Ruby's on the Pier. my Sea Buddy knows what's goin' on.
thank you to all who have posted comments lately. Missiz C, Natalie (b/c u don't want me to call u Miss or Missiz), Missiz Jóní, and if there are any others if forgot, well, sucks to be you. j/k i Y you too. but especially, thank you, Missiz Jóní, for calling and cheering me up (almost) every day :-)
time seems like it's dragging on, and yet a lot of it's passed already. as of right now, i wanna wait 6 months from the day i got here to ask about a transfer. i may be persuaded to wait longer, so if you, dear reader, have some advice for me, please, share it with me.
and this one's goin' out to cali:
To see you when I wake up
Is a gift I didn't think could be real.
To know that you feel the same as I do
Is a three-fold, Utopian dream.
You do something to me that I can't explain.
So would I be out of line if I said "I miss you"?
I see your picture.
I smell your skin on
The empty pillow next to mine.
You have only been gone ten days,
But already I'm wasting away.
I know I'll see you again
Whether far or soon.
But I need you to know that I care,
And I miss you.
(''Miss You,'' Incubus)