Thursday, November 23, 2006

the infamous ''Huntington Pier,'' see that building at the end? that's Ruby's on the pier, where Missiz Joni and i first hung out. watchin' seagulls fight the wind and eventually give up, good conversations, walking along the beach, swimming in the ocean, that day was really great. =D

This is a hotel (at least i think it's a hotel :-p) on the other side of PCH from huntington beach.
''California'' with sea weed on the ''o'' but that's okay. i heart it just the same :-) i took this picture from h-bomb pier, each letter is about 5 feet tall. so yeah, that seaweed is huge
this bottle is filled with shells and ocean water from huntington beach. you see, California, i'm taking you with me. and that's final ;-)

O.O a sand dollar!! so what if it's broken? that's okay with me. today is thanksgiving. i know one thing i'm thankful for is California. i know i'm going right back to Missouri, where i started from, but before i left, i didn't have all these experiences i now have, didn't have all these new friends i have, the work experience, i'd like to think i've grown as a person, i've found God again, and i've seen such beauty out here that Missouri can't provide in the same way. So detour as it may have been, it's been an overflowing of blessing to me. But i know that i can't stay out here forever. i have goals in life that can't readily be reached from here. yeah, i'll be sad to have left it, but just like my first visit here, i'll be even happier that it happened, and even more hopeful, since i know it's not the last or greatest beauty i will ever see. California? thank you : )

O.O a sand dollar!! so what if it's broken? that's okay with me. today is thanksgiving. i know one thing i'm thankful for is California. i know i'm going right back to Missouri, where i started from, but before i left, i didn't have all these experiences i now have, didn't have all these new friends i have, the work experience, i'd like to think i've grown as a person, i've found God again, and i've seen such beauty out here that Missouri can't provide in the same way. So detour as it may have been, it's been an overflowing of blessing to me. But i know that i can't stay out here forever. i have goals in life that can't readily be reached from here. yeah, i'll be sad to have left it, but just like my first visit here, i'll be even happier that it happened, and even more hopeful, since i know it's not the last or greatest beauty i will ever see. California? thank you : )
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