Friday, June 08, 2007

ever see that movie Gone in 60 Seconds?

let's just say i'm competative ;-)

i'm slowly getting used to eating as much food as i ate before i got here. that made me feel pretty stuffed. satiated for now :-) *pats tummy*

oi...they say "if you give a man a fish, you'll feed him for a day, but teach a man to fish, and you'll feed him for a lifetime."

well, if you give mike a fish, you'll feed him for about 2 minutes, but teach him to fish, and you will have indirectly caused the destruction of any and all nearby marine habitats, which is why the North Carolina Fish and Game Board would like to remind you that it's everyone's job to make sure mike never learns how to fish.

today, i just killed time, bought some milk, called a place to see if their room was still for rent (it was 350 a month, all utilities, washer and dryer included, same distance to work, but they never called back like they said they would:-( ), called around the different gyms to get some info and ended up getting free passes through the next 4 days. =D each gym has its strengths, so it's tough to make a call right now, but i know what i'm looking for in their equipment.

well, that's it for now, dear reader :-) have a great weekend! =D

oh yeah, moo!