Saturday, September 29, 2007


i've always wanted to invent something, you know? though, i wouldn't want to like, revolutionise the toilet. Thomas Crapper invented that. i wouldn't want ppl saying ''aw maaaan, hurry it up in there! i gotta take a HUGE helfer like, right now!''

and now, some random pics from work...

he gets up early in the morning to shed his protective husk of tires which he weaves anew each night.

Employee should be able to demonstrate proper tire mounting proceedure.

our goal: to be the BEST.

atta boy, rich!

rim job.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

old cellphone pics that i never emailed to myself...

look! power bracelets! this one just happens to be a white power bracelet. woops!

that's some funny half and half, Land 'o Lakes! ;-)

the picture really says it all.


i saw this and just KNEW it belonged in my blog. i know some of my readers have the sense of humour to appreciate something like this. no no, not me, but you guys. *halo* see how this works? :-)

1300 calories = a good start

Remember that Italian Frisco burger that hardee's had? well, if you can remember that, then maybe you can comprehend how GOOD these were. go ahead, click on the picture, i scaled it down by more than half, but it's still a good pic. doesn't that make you wanna reach out and grab those sandwiches? =-O oh no! i've already EATENNNNNNNN them! too bad for you. awwwww :-(