Monday, May 28, 2007


(there's a special faucet that only fits my water bottle^)

see, it's like this: out in the sticks of illi-nwah ( the french folk mite call it ;-) ), i heard a thumping sound. turned out my RR tire blew and i had to take all my owns outta the trunk to get the spare tire with 15psi in it, the jack with no speed handle to attatch to the speed handle loop, and the foot-pump whose plunger anchoring nut had gone missing.

but, the 3in. bolt that held the spare tire helped lift the car marvelously, a loose nut from the license plate held the footpump together, and with a little time, the spare was on (with 30psi), the flat was in the trunk with the rest of my stuff, and i was only 30 miles from mt. vernon, il, where i found a walmart to put 2 new on the rear and best old tire to spare.

got back in my car and turned on k-love talking about Mark Shultz biking across america, said "sometimes it's something that doesn't seem so safe at first, but it's in God's will and we're over His safety net.

and the whole trip's been pretty much like that. i'm now eating at the taco bell on western ave. that i ate at just about a month ago today. bout to put a powerful hurtin' on some double decker tacos and then call that potential landlord to see if i can look at the place today :-) tomorrow, i wanna look at some area schools if things pan out al-*tummy grumbles*...i gotta go ;-)


Wednesday, May 23, 2007

what?! no picture?!

i got a cheap walmart compass last week and i was gonna take it back tonight b/c no matter where i mounted it on the windshield, it always read south by southwest. so i was in the line for returns, about to get my $2.78 back, and i looked at it. a big "E" was facing me. i turned around an it followed just like a compass should.

so in my car, i decided i like to roll the windows down too much to put it on the driver's window...i like the wind blowing through my long and flowing locks ;-) so the only other thing that preseted itself was the rearview mirror. it works perfectly from there now, and it reminded me that "hindsight is 20/20." neat, huh? i have to spell it out? :-p only when our vision is from the standpoint of "looking back," can we see what really happened. sorta like experience is something you get after the point that you needed it has passed.

hey! i'm soundin' smart! =)


Thursday, May 10, 2007

slicker'n snot on a doorknob ;-)

soon's i finish these cereals, that's getting cut out and put in the rear window. gotta get it inspected tomorrow, get it titled at the dmv, what a day. look at some mexican afghans, maybe, for the back seat omgz! tires! 4-wheel drive and three different tires! *pulls imaginary hair out* and you thought that was funny just reading it ;-)

it's not the civic. hella camry, white with tan interior, 149k miles, 1750. no sales tax ;D step one in the monster is nearing completion. i need a shower. goodnight, dear reader :-)
oh yeah, moo!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

this's the car i looked@ this afternoon!

'93 Honda Civic hatchback, hella fold down seats, 149K miles on it, drives nice, 2500 or 200 less if i put the tires on myself. it doesn't use oil or tranny fluid, and gets somewhere in the 30's in know, b/c it has overdrive =D looks real nice, i *heart* it! only thing is, they're waiting on the title, which should be in within 5 - 10 days. i need to put plans in motion to sell the van now, looks like carmax is going to get the van, afterall. well, it's money at least. i'm just glad things are starting to come together =)
oh yeah, moo!

kitty isn't playing with a full deck

i think they come with little safety helmets u can put on ur kitty. awwww...
oh yeah, moo!

b/c silicon just isn't safe ;-)

hahahaha i marched right back up to that sign (@the glenwood ave. walmart in ral-tucky) and took the pic, after a moment's contemplation. aw come on! it's funny! :-)
oh yeah, moo!

awww! e's growin' up so fast! :-) *tear*

when i came back from vacation, my little plantie changed colours beautifully! thanks to my folks watering 'im while i was gone, of course. he is undeniably a hybrid. from something that resembled a jerusalem cherry, but just called a general "ornamental pepper" plant and a medusa pepper plant. the former pollenated by the latter, resulting in a seed from the ornamental pepper plant which yielded a plant much like the ornamental pepper plant, but with the medusa peppers =D
oh yeah, moo!